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SHANGHAI, Sept 29 (Reuters) – A central bank digital currency
trial focused on cross-border transactions has been completed, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said,
with Chinese state-owned banks participating as Beijing tries to internationalise its digital yuan. More
than 160 cross-border payments and foreign exchange transactions totalling
more than $22 million were made during the first trial involving four central bank currencies
and real-value transactions, the BIS said in a statement. The development
comes as the U.S.
dollar is surging against other currencies and triggering capital outflows out of emerging markets, threatening their economic health. The multiple Central
Bank Digital Currency (mCBDC) Bridge test developed by BIS
included China, Hong Kong, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates and was designed
to deliver real-time, cheaper and safer cross-border payments and settlements, the BIS said. Bank of
Communications said it and four other Chinese banks had completed the mCBDC
Bridge test to settle payments for corporate customers. State media reported on Thursday that Industrial
and Commercial Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China
were among the 20 participating commercial banks. China has been testing
its digital currency in major cities, mainly for domestic retail
payments, though the central bank has also vowed to explore cross-border payments in digital yuan. The world’s second-largest economy has said it is willing to discuss setting global standards for digital fiat currency
as the international monetary system develops. Russia, sanctioned by the West over its war in Ukraine, has announced plans to use
its own digital currency to trade with China.
(Reporting by Jason Xue and Brenda Goh; Editing by Jamie
Jagna Philippines (coitest.northwestern.edu)
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